Tournament A – Grandmaster open

ELO Tournament with GM, IM, WGM and WIM normsIt is planned to include the tournament in the ACP Tour.

Regulations: Swiss system, 9 rounds, FIDE rules.
Time limit: 90 minutes per game per player + 30 seconds per move starting from the move 1

Monday 07.08. 14:00-16:00 Registration
16:30 Opening ceremony
17:00 1st round
Tuesday 08.08. 11:00 2nd round
  17:00 3rd round
Wednesday 09.08. 15:00 4th round
Thursday 10.08. 11:00 5th round
  17:00 6th round
Friday 11.08. 15:00 7th round
Saturday 12.08. 15:00 8th round
Sunday 13.08. 11:00 9th round
18:30 Closing ceremony

Entry fee
GM, WGM, IM and WIM have free entry at the Tournament A

ELO > 2299 50 EUR
ELO 2200 – 2299 60 EUR
ELO 2100 – 2199 70 EUR
ELO 2000 – 2099 80 EUR
ELO 1900 – 1999` 100 EUR
ELO < 1900 150 EUR
Without ELO 200 EUR


FMs, WFMs, juniors up to 18 years of age, seniors over 65 years of age have 25 % discount, players from Latvia have a 35% discount. Latvian FMs, WFMs, juniors up to 18 years of age and seniors over 65 years have 50% discount. Discounts do not add up. This discount does not refer to the additional charge for the late registration.

GMs with ELO > 2500 are eligible for a limited number of free accommodations. Limited number of GMs with ELO > 2600 is eligible for inscription fees. Please, contact organizers as soon as possible, if you are interested.

Early registrations (by specifying your Name, ELO, Date of Birth, Country and accommodation necessary) for the tournaments A-E should be sent before the 17th of July either by e-mail: or by filling the application form available at „Registration”  The onsite registration  is  mandatory  also  for  online  pre-registered participants, including participants that have free entry. The organizers reserve the rights to exclude players that have missed the registration deadline from the tournament.

Prize giving
All players must be present at the closing ceremony to receive financial prizes. The organizers reserve the rights not to pay out prizes if the participant fails to do so.

Late registrations 
Players whose application to tournaments A-E will be registered after the 17 th  of July 2016 will pay 
additional charge of 10 EUR. 

Late arrival
Waiting time in the Tournaments A – E  in case of late arrival is 30 minutes.

The following tie-brake criteria are used: 1) Mini Bucholz, 2) Bucholc and 3) Rating Performance.
